




 阪神電車「鳴尾・武庫川女子大前」駅周辺の連続立体交差事業は、兵庫県阪神南県民センター西宮土木事務所が2000年から2018年の間、同駅付近約1.9キロ区間の鉄道高架化により、6か所の踏切をなくして周辺の都市計画道路や側道の整備を行い、地域と連携した事業として画期的な試みが行われていることが高く評価されました。なお、 同駅のデザイン案は武庫川女子大学建築・都市デザインスタジオ(一級建築士事務所)が阪神電気鉄道(株)と協働して行い、建築学専攻の大学院生らが参画しています。


 武庫川女子大学は2018年12月、阪神電気鉄道(株)と教育、文化、まちづくりなどの分野で相互に協力し、地域社会の発展に寄与することを目的にした包括連携協定を締結し、大学の最寄り駅である同駅東側の高架下空間(約2200平方㍍)に、高架下空間を活用した日本初の本格的大学施設となる「武庫女ステーションキャンパス」、「武庫女ステーションキャンパス・アネックス Ⅰ、Ⅱ」を整備、2019年にオープンしました。「武庫女ステーションキャンパス」は、大学と地域・企業・住民の方々がつながり、情報発信するコミュニティ創出ゾーンで、レクチャールーム、「Lavy’s café(ラビーズカフェ)」、みなと銀行、学生と企業の交流の場となる「知るカフェ」などの施設が入り、「武庫女ステーションキャンパス・アネックス Ⅰ」は、学生・教職員・住民のための健康維持・増進ゾーン、「同アネックス Ⅱ」は、セミナールームなど教育支援ゾーンとして使用されています。




 The Hanshin Railway's Naruo-Mukogawa Joshi Daigaku-mae Station area was selected for the Grand Prix, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Award, in the 35th National Street Project Competition, which recognizes municipalities that have carried out excellent street improvement projects. A total of 17 projects from across the country were entered in the 35th National Street Project Competition.

 The continuous multi-level crossing project around Hanshin Railway's Naruo-Mukogawa Women's University Station was carried out by the Nishinomiya Civil Engineering Office of the Hanshin South Prefectural Centre of Hyogo Prefecture between 2000 and 2018 by elevating a 1.9 km section of railway near the station to eliminate six level crossings and improve the surrounding urban planning roads and side roads, in collaboration with the community. The station was highly praised for its ground-breaking attempts in cooperation with the local community. The station was designed by the Mukogawa Women's University Architecture and Urban Design Studio (a first-class architect office) in collaboration with Hanshin Electric Railway Co.

 In December 2018, Mukogawa Women's University signed a comprehensive collaboration agreement with Hanshin Electric Railway Co. The Mukojo Station Campus and Mukojo Station Campus Annex I and II are the first full-scale university facilities in Japan to utilise the space under the elevated railway tracks (approx. 2,200 m2 ) on the east side of the station, which opened in 2019. The Mukojo Station Campus is a community creation zone where the university connects with the local community, businesses and residents and provides them a platform of information, and includes facilities such as lecture rooms, Lavy's café, Minato Bank and the Knowledge Café, where students and businesses can interact. Mukojo Station Campus Annex I is a health maintenance and promotion zone for students, staff and residents, while Annex II is used as an educational support zone with seminar rooms.

With the opening of the Mukojo Station Campus, the Mukogawa Gakuin Educational Corporation and Hanshin Electric Railway Co came together to develop a system whereby the university, businesses and the local community work together to contribute to community building. The association publishes the local magazine Naruo Tsushin, as well as sharing information via social media and other means, and organizes Naruo Fureai Events. In addition, efforts are being made to improve convenience and create liveliness, for example by installing an art box and stage in the park in front of the station, and making the north-south side of the station an alleyway that can be passed through, thereby contributing to the formation of a platform for industry-industry-academic collaboration, a place where students and residents can get together.



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