

English below. 








噴水広場で開催されたラジオ局FM802とのコラボイベント『802 FUNKY PARTY in 武庫川女子大学文化祭』では、DJ 大抜卓人さんが登場しFM802で人気の曲をつなげていくDJ SHOWで会場の学生や家族連れを盛り上げました。


最後に、文化祭実行委員会の清水 優香委員長が閉会式の挨拶で「今年は入場制限を設けず、かなり規模の大きな開催になることで、楽しみもありましたが、不安な気持ちもすごくありました。にもかかわらず、多くの方に来場していただき、うれしい気持ちでいっぱいです。文化祭実行委員会はもちろん、参加していただいた方々にも感謝しています。来年度の第69回の文化祭は、今回よりも規模が大きくなってみなさんに楽しんでいただけると思います。ぜひ次回の文化祭にもお越しください」と語りました。


文化祭の詳細レポートは、 学生広報スタッフ La chouette*のブログ「Muko Log」 もご覧ください。


The 68th Mukogawa Women's University Cultural Festival was held open to the public for the first time in four years and was successfully completed.


The Mukogawa Women's University Cultural Festival began on the eve of the festival on the 13th and continued until the 15th. Due to the pandemic, the festival had been canceled or held with restrictions until last year, but this year, for the first time in four years, it was held open to the public with no admission restrictions.


 The final day of the festival got off to a fine start, with many visitors arriving early in the morning to tour the exhibits and booths.


The School of Music's musical "Beauty and the Beast" was a passionate performance with acting, singing, and live music. In the Koe Memorial Auditorium, the dance and aerobic dance clubs gave lively performances, and the Noh and brass band clubs also showed the results of their daily practice.


At the "802 FUNKY PARTY in Mukogawa Women's University Festival," a collaborative event with radio station FM802 held at the fountain plaza, DJ Takuto Okutsu appeared and entertained students and families in the audience with a DJ show connecting popular songs on FM802.


At the end of the festival, Yuka Shimizu, chairperson of the festival executive committee, gave a closing speech, saying, "This year, we did not set any admission limit and the event was quite large in scale, which gave us a lot of pleasure, but we were also very anxious. Despite this, we are very happy that so many people came to the festival. I would like to thank not only the festival committee but also all those who participated. Next year's 69th Cultural Festival will be bigger and even more enjoyable than this year's. We hope to see you all again.”


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