健康・スポーツ科学科 中堀ゼミの学生が第3の生理用品について啓発するイベントを開催しました。


English below. 


健康・スポーツ科学科 中堀千香子准教授のゼミに所属する学生が11月17日、中央キャンパスで最新生理用品の展示・体験を通じて本学学生の生理用品の選択肢を広げようと、学内啓発イベント「Hello! Femtech」を開きました。




学生たちはイベントに先駆け、第3の生理用品についてアンケートを実施しました。そこで、本学の学生は新しい生理用品を意欲的に選択しようとしないことや第3の生理用品の認知度が低いことが分かりました。その結果を踏まえ、実際に商品を手に取り、体験することによって、学生自身が抱える生理の悩みを第3の生理用品が解決することを広めようと「Hello! Femtech」を企画しました。








Students of Associate Professor Chikako Nakahori's seminar in the Department of Health and Sports Sciences held an event to educate students about a new type of sanitary goods.

On November 17th, students in Associate Professor Nakahori's seminar in the Department of Health and Sports Sciences held "Hello! Femtech," an on-campus educational event at the Main Campus to broaden students' choices of sanitary products by displaying and experiencing the latest sanitary products.

Femtech is a coined word that combines the words "female" and "technology," and aims to solve women's personal issues through products and services that use advanced technology. Recently, Femtech products such as absorbent underwear and menstrual cups have been developed for menstrual products and are attracting attention as the third generation of sanitary products.

Prior to the event, students conducted a survey on the sanitary products. It was found that students were not willing to choose new sanitary products and that awareness of new sanitary products was low. Based on the results, we planned "Hello! Femtech" to spread the word that  sanitary products can solve students' own menstrual problems by allowing them to actually feel and experience the products.

Students and faculty who participated in the event said, "I was interested in these products but had never seen them in person," "It was great to be able to actually hold the products in my hands and get the feel and learn how to use them, and how to manage them," "The changes in my well-being over the past few days and the hemoglobin results I measured this time made me realize I need to pay more attention to my health," and so on. 

In the future, the Nakahori Seminar plans to consider activities to provide the best information on diversified and evolving sanitary products and to increase the number of choices for young athletes, postpartum women, and people who face other personal issues. 


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