

English below. 


キャリアセンター主催の第1回就職ガイダンス「就活をはじめる人のための特別講演会」が5月17日、18日の両日、中央キャンパス 公江記念講堂で開催されました。



講演会では人事コンサルタント・キャリアコンサルタントの石田秀明さんが講師として登壇。石田さんは「社会人はプラスαを提供し、成果を出すことに責任を持ち、問題解決力のある人のことを指す」と述べ、今からでも簡単にできる方法として(1)仕事ができる人の研究、(2) 問題解決トレーニング、(3)プレゼンテーションの練習を実施することを勧め、講演を通して学生たちは就職活動を進める上での心構えと方法や自己分析の深め方について学びました。






The 1st Job Hunting Guidance "A Lecture for People Starting to Job Hunt" was held at Koe Memorial Auditorium.


The first job hunting guidance "A Lecture for Those Starting to Job Hunt" hosted by the Career Center was held on May 17 and 18 at the Koe Memorial Auditorium in the Main Campus.More than 1,000 students participated in the two-day event, which was held for third-year university students and first-year junior college students who are about to start their job hunting activities.


Mr. Hideaki Ishida, HR consultant and career consultant, was the speaker at the lecture. Mr. Ishida stated that "a member of society is a person who offers something extra, takes responsibility for delivering results, and has problem-solving skills," and recommended that students implement (1) research on people who can do the job, (2) problem-solving training, and (3) practice presentations as easy ways to start now, and through his lecture, students learned how to prepare themselves for job hunting and how to prepare for the future.


The Career Center also explained how to utilize the Career Center for job hunting activities such as interview preparation, raising students' awareness toward the start of job hunting activities. Ms. Nozomi Kimura of the Career Center said, "Job hunting activities are becoming sooner and sooner each year, and internships too, which are also important. The Career Center also explained how to utilize the Career Center for job hunting activities such as interview preparation, raising students' awareness toward the start of job hunting activities.


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