<日本語/English>アメリカ分校現地レポート4 アメリカ分校でスポケーン市の花、ライラックが満開を迎えました。間もなく春学期修了です。


English below. 




アメリカ分校のキャンパスはメーンスペースに学寮棟と事務室棟がUの字型に並び、その南に教室棟が並びます。学生たちが春学期の留学を始めた2月にはまだ、雪が覆っていましたが、今はマツやモミの木の緑の合間に、ライラックの紫をはじめピンクや白、黄色の花々が彩りを添えて、キャンパスは一年で一番カラフルです。キャンパスの入り口に立つ「Mukogawa U.S. Campus」のモニュメントに寄り添うライラックも小花をいっぱいにつけています。青々とした芝生に時折、リスやシカが姿を現し、抜けるような青空にアメリカコマドリの声が響きます。キャンパスの北に沿うスポケーン川は雪解け水が流れ込み、豊富な水量をたたえています。






MUSC Report (4) Lilacs, the flower of the city of Spokane, are in full bloom. The spring semester will soon be coming to an end.


The purple lilac, the city flower of Spokane, is in full bloom on the campus of the Mukogawa U.S Campus (MUSC), which is the equivalent of 12 Koshien stadiums. The campus is now in full bloom to celebrate the students who will finish their spring semester on the 19th (20th JST).


MUSC consists of a U-shaped complex of dormitory and office buildings, with blocks of classrooms to the south of the main campus. In February, when students began their spring semester studies, the campus was still covered with snow, but now, among the green pine and fir trees, the campus is the most colorful of the year, with purple lilacs and pink, white, and yellow flowers. The lilacs, nestled against the "Mukogawa U.S. Campus" monument at the entrance to the campus, are also full of flowers. Squirrels and deers occasionally appear on the lush green lawns, and the blue sky is filled with the call of the robin. The Spokane River along the north side of the campus is abundant with a large quantity of water from the snow.


 The spring semester curriculum is in its final stages. At the campus, final classes will continue until the last day of classes (the 19th). Students will give their final presentations, and teachers will prepare snacks and drinks to celebrate the students' hard work. On the 18th (19th in Japan time), a rehearsal for the Award Ceremony was held at Tsutakawa Hall to confirm standing positions and the progress of the ceremony. The students are now in the midst of organizing their luggage for their return home.


Looking back on their four-month study abroad experience, one student, Ms. Hinata Sanai commented, "I was often amazed by the cultural differences between the U.S. and Japan, and it broadened my horizons. After returning to my home country, I'd like to continue using English to visit and experience a variety of countries and cultures." Another student, . Ms. Risa Kishimoto stated, "I think my ability to express my own opinions has significantly strengthened through the numerous opportunities to do group work. Through living in the dormitory, I have learned to be considerate of others and act accordingly, and I think I have matured a lot" Lastlly, Ms. Yui Ikeuchi added, "It was both difficult and fun in equal measure, but it will definitely be an unforgettable four months of my life"


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