

English below. 




 修了証を授与されたのは、2021年度に入職しRising3の3期生である職員10人。3年間の研修の全課程を終え、瀧居豊 事務局長から「修了証」と「記念品」が授与されました。




 橋本光能 教学局長は「3年間の研修を糧に、自ら積極的に他部署の人たちと繋がりを持っていってほしい」と話し、瀧居豊 事務局長は「皆さんの提案を一つの成果として、その気持ちを持ち続けてこれからも励んでほしい」とコメント。また私市佐代美 人事部長は「この成果を生かすのはこれから。次は“周りを巻き込む力”を付けてそれぞれの強みを磨き学院に貢献してほしい」と激励しました。



Completion certificates were awarded to the third generation participants of the "Rising 3 Newly Recruited Employee Training Program."


  The "Rising 3 Newly Recruited Employee Training Program" began in FY 2019 as a three-year training program for new staff members to enhance their expertise in university administration and to systematically develop staff members who can work to improve the quality of university education through collaboration between administrative members of staff and faculty members.

 Ten employees who joined the university in FY2021 and are in the third round of the program received certificates of completion and commemorative gifts from Director General Yutaka Takii after completion.

In the discussion that followed, the participants discussed what they learned and their personal growth through the training. One of the particpants commented, "No other university offers such a thorough training program over a three-year period. I am grateful for the time given by the lecturers from each department," "I am in a department that is not usually involved with students, so being able to participate in the class in the second half of my second year was a good experience for me," and "The proposal we made at the results presentation in the third year was a feasible proposal in our minds. I hope to realize it not only with my fellow peers but also with people from other departments," and "I would like to think about what can be done now and make the best use of it in the future."

 Mitsunori Hashimoto, Director of the Educational Affairs Bureau, said, "I hope that you will use the three years of training as a springboard to proactively connect with people in other departments," and Yutaka Takii, Director of the Administrative Bureau, commented, "I hope that you will take your suggestions as an achievement and continue to work hard with that in mind."

Sayomi Kisaichi, General Manager of the Human Resources Department, commented, "We will make the most of this achievement from now on. I hope that you will continue to improve your strengths and contribute to the institute by developing your ability to engage those around you."


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